select sid, serial#, USERNAME, STATUS, OSUSER, PROCESS, MACHINE, MODULE, ACTION, to_char(LOGON_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from v$session where paddr in (select addr from v$process where spid = '&spid');
set head off set verify off set echo off set pages 1500 set linesize 100 set lines 120 prompt prompt Details of SID / SPID / Client PID prompt ================================== select /*+ CHOOSE*/ 'Session Id.............................................: '||s.sid, 'Serial Num..............................................: '||s.serial#, 'User Name ..............................................: '||s.username, 'Session Status .........................................: '||s.status, 'Client Process Id on Client Machine ....................: '||'*'||s.process||'*' Client, 'Server Process ID ......................................: '||p.spid Server, 'Sql_Address ............................................: '||s.sql_address, 'Sql_hash_value .........................................: '||s.sql_hash_value, 'Schema Name ..... ......................................: '||s.SCHEMANAME, 'Program ...............................................: '||s.program, 'Module .................................................: '|| s.module, 'Action .................................................: '||s.action, 'Terminal ...............................................: '||s.terminal, 'Client Machine .........................................: '||s.machine, 'LAST_CALL_ET ...........................................: '||s.last_call_et, 'S.LAST_CALL_ET/3600 ....................................: '||s.last_call_et/3600 from v$session s, v$process p where p.addr=s.paddr and s.sid=nvl('&sid',s.sid);
col sid format 999999 col username format a20 col osuser format a15 select b.spid,a.sid, a.serial#,a.username, a.osuser from v$session a, v$process b where a.paddr= b.addr and b.spid='&spid' order by b.spid;
SELECT nvl(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(s.paddr),'NO SESSION') No_Session, p.inst_id, p.spid,, s.sid, p.pname, s.serial#, s.status, s.username, s.osuser, s.program FROM gv$process p, gv$session s WHERE s.paddr(+) = p.addr AND p.background is null and p.pname not like ('D%') and p.pname not like ('S%') and p.pname not like ('P%') and p.pname not like ('J%') and p.pname not like ('W%') ORDER BY No_Session, pname;
set linesize 140 col username format a15 col idle format a15 col program format a30 PROMPT Enter the number of minutes for which the sessions should have been idle: PROMPT select sid,username,status, to_char(logon_time,'dd-mm-yy hh:mi:ss') "LOGON", floor(last_call_et/3600)||':'|| floor(mod(last_call_et,3600)/60)||':'|| mod(mod(last_call_et,3600),60) "IDLE", program from v$session where type='USER' and (LAST_CALL_ET / 60) > &minutes order by last_call_et;
select * from dba_hist_active_sess_history where sql_id = '6qn5kcqgbzz0y' Session Trace select sid, serial#, status, username from v$session where username = 'MASHEGOG'; EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.set_sql_trace_in_session(sid=>393, serial#=> 25895, sql_trace=>TRUE); tkprof pint_ora_6492.trc pint_ora_6492.out explain=cai/sfqm6cfi sys=no
exec dbms_monitor.database_trace_enable(); exec dbms_monitor.database_trace_disable();
SQL> alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12'; SQL>SQL> alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';
tkprof rfilen_ora_22311.trc translated02.txt explain=a157584/sep082015 sys=no
#!/bin/sh rm a1.lst rm a2.lst touch a1.lst touch a2.lst ls -l | awk '{print $9}' | grep "rfilen_ora_" | grep "trc" > a1.lst for i in `cat a1.lst` do echo 'tkprof' `echo $i` `echo $i.txt explain=a157584/sep082015 sys=no` >> a2.lst done chmod 755 a2.lst rm a1.lst ls -l *.trc | awk '{ print "tkprof " $9 " explain=a157584/******* sys=no output=" $9 ".out" }' > a1.lst Delete trc files for specified date ls -l | grep "J" |grep "trm" | awk '{print "rm " $9}' > a.lst ls -l | grep "2018" | grep “oracle “ | awk '{print "rm " $9}' > a1.lst
-- trcsess output=trace_batch.trc service=scd *.trc trcsess output=trace_batch.trc service=rfilen *.trc tkprof trace_batch.trc trace_batch_Sep08.out explain=a157584/sep082015 sys=no -- trcsess output=trace_batch.trc service=rfilen *.trc tkprof trace_batch.trc trace_batch.out explain=a157584/nov172017 sys=no exec DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE(266, 49293);
This query returns the rollback status of the transaction
select case when bitand(flag,power(2,7)) > 0 then 'Rolling Back' else 'Not Rolling Back' end as "Roll Status" from v$transaction where addr in (select taddr from v$session where username = upper('&&1'))
This query returns the used UNDO blocks being generated by the transaction or read to undo the work that has already been done
select s.sid, s.serial#, s.client_info, t.addr, sum(t.used_ublk) from v$transaction t, v$session s where t.addr = s.taddr group by s.sid, s.serial#, s.client_info, t.addr;
Note: The client_info column may or may not be populated (it is not in these examples) but it is provided to help differentiate different sessions an application user may have running so that the transaction or transactions of interest can be monitored.
The used UNDO block count eventually goes away (since the transaction is neither active nor rolling back) which signals the end of the rollback phase. Now other work can proceed against the table or tables involved in the previous transaction. And, having this data available usually makes the wait seem shorter as progress is registered for the rollback phase.
Waiting seems to be the hardest part, especially when no apparent progress can be monitored. Now, for rollbacks, a method is available to produce usable information regarding the progress of the rollback, which can make everyones life (at least for those who are waiting on a rollback to finish) a bit easier.
select 'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||',@'||inst_id||''';' as script from gv$session where sid = 99999 and serial# = 99999;