set pages 55
select s.sql_id,
sum(onepass_executions) onepass_cnt,
sum(multipasses_executions) mpass_cnt
from v$sql s,
v$sql_workarea wa
where s.address = wa.address
group by s.sql_id
having sum(onepass_executions + multipasses_executions) > 0
order by sum(onepass_executions) + sum(multipasses_executions) desc;
select sql_id,
to_number(decode(sid, 65535, null, sid)) sid,
operation_type operation,
trunc(expected_size/1024) esize_mb,
trunc(actual_mem_used/1024) mem_mb,
trunc(max_mem_used/1024) maxmem_mb,
number_passes pass,
nvl(trunc(tempseg_size/1024),0) tsize_mb
from v$sql_workarea_active
order by tsize_mb desc;
select session_num, sql_id, username, segtype, blocks, tablespace
from v$tempseg_usage
order by blocks desc;
col PGA_TARGET_FOR_ESTIMATE form 999,999,999,999,999
col BYTES_PROCESSED form 999,999,999,999,999
col ESTD_TIME form 999,999,999,999,999
col ESTD_EXTRA_BYTES_RW form 999,999,999,999,999
select * from v$pga_target_advice;
select * from v$pgastat;
SQL> select sga_size,sga_size_factor,estd_db_time from v$sga_target_advice;
--------- --------------- ------------
3744 .375 3261359
4992 .5 2119057
6240 .625 2083947
7488 .75 2064759
8736 .875 2049857
9984 1 2041284
11232 1.125 2033324
12480 1.25 2029241
13728 1.375 2023934
14976 1.5 2020464
16224 1.625 2020260
17472 1.75 2020260
18720 1.875 2020261
19968 2 2020264
DB_TIME is an overall figure for the amount of time spent taken within the database to execute SQL.
Minimizing DB_TIME is the overall objective of all tuning.
Look at the 6th row i.e value 9984 MB , this is the value of parameter target being set.
So,It can be seen that if the SGA is raised from its current value of 9984MB to 11232MB then DB_TIME would reduce.